Sunday, November 15, 2009

mergold hand shots

Thumb is added separately

rolling the finger creases

eyelet screws attached to hands, how much range of motion with this method?

after gesso, and then flesh coat acrylic

after gesso, and then flesh coat acrylic

mergold head shots

mergold shoes

mergold workshop

head was created from air dry clay, hands and shoes from polymer clay. In the box, you can see the soles of the shoes

Here is another shot of the shoe. the sole is a darker color but they are both from polymer clay.

Here is a shot of the waist, torso and legs, foam will be applied to the waist and torso.

new marionette

marionette created in the alexander mergold workshop at the in toronto

Monday, January 26, 2009

part 2

This is the leg before paper mache. the tongue depressors will have a hole drilled in them and a wire inserted in them and attached to the torso.

showing where legs will attach to the body (weetabix box, will be paper mached)

Head, body, legs. Legs will be cut in two so they can bend at the knee.
Legs seem too long to me. any body else have an opinion?

Friday, January 23, 2009

With the paper mache on head built over the clay model. The clay was very difficult to dig out of the paper mache head. (Next time I will try doing a caster plast and putting the paper mache in the cast. I've been told the paper mache will shrink and then be easy to release.)

Damp Red tissue paper acts as realease agent for paper mache

paper mache build

first try